
"The question of the gender pay gap in Italy. The study on the data of the bank of Italy" - Piero Della Giustina

UNIVERSITA' DEGLI STUDI DI TRENTO, Dipartimento di Economia e Management
Laurea in Economics

"The question of the gender pay gap in Italy. The study on the data of the bank of Italy" *

Relatore: Prof.ssa PAOLA VILLA
Correlatrice: Prof.ssa GIULIANA PASSAMANI
Anno Accademico 2013/2014


Every day, around the Globe, women suffer the consequences of gender discrimination. The phenomenon extends to a number of circumstances: there is evidence of gender discrimination in education, labor force participation and remuneration, participation to political life and decision making at high level, but women suffer to greater extent also of female infanticide and sex-selective abortion, domestic violence, child marriage, objectification and so on. This analysis will focus on the economic side of gender discrimination, and specifically on the estimation of the discriminatory part of the Gender Pay Gap.

Within the labor market, discrimination exists when workers with the same productive capacities are treated differently on the basis of the demographic group to which they belong. Ever since the scientific literature has started to develop models on discrimination in the labor market, a number of scholars tried to measure its impact on the wage differentials of different groups of people.


* Vincitrice del 1° "Premio Tesi di Laurea – Maria Grazia Agnesina Beri”, VII edizione.

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